Kia Ora, my name is Milo and I am a mama of 2 under 2, a Jeweller, Herbalist and lover of ancestral food and ways of being.


I started rendering my own tallow while pregnant with my first born to make nourishing soaps for myself and my baby. I saw the amazing benefits of tallow and started to use it on my pregnancy bump and then as a nappy rash cream once my son was born with great results.


After this I delved into a herbalism mentorship and started experimenting on my own using whole plant extracts and tallow to create the most beautiful tallow creams. Tallow has made my skin shine like no other and I saw people in New Zealand were missing out on this treasure made from their own land and cows.


This is when I decided to launch Aia Ancestral Skincare named after my beautiful daughter Amaia.


It is an honour to share these ancient skincare secrets with you and I hope you love using them as much as I do.

Milo xx